According to the IHL Degree Regulations § 15, students in the IHL Master’s Programme must undertake an internship (normally during the third semester). The internship must relate to the subject matter of the Master’s program. It is the responsibility of each student to plan, organise, and carry out a suitable internship. Previous work or other experience may, on application, be recognized the Academic Board for the purpose of satisfying the requirement (in advance of submitting this report).

Under § 20(2)(c) Examination Regulations the student must provide a report on the internship (whenever conducted) after it has been completed, reporting in particular on one or more projects specifically relating to the IHL program and carried out within the framework of the approved internship. The Student Report should provide sufficient factual and analytical information to allow the Examinations Board to determine that the internship requirement has been satisfied.

This form should be used for the Student Report. All sections should be completed by the student. Before submitting it to the Master’s Office. the completed form should be shown to the responsible official or staff member (the ‘internship supervisor’) of the organization where the internship was conducted of the internship and be counter-signed by them. (If you have reasons for making a confidential Student Report, please contact the Master’s Office.)  

Under § 20(2)(d) Examination Regulations, the student must also submit a written and substantially informative evaluation of the student’s performance during the internship written and signed by the internship supervisor. That supervisor’s report should be provided on the ‘Internship — Supervisor’s Report’ form (available separately). (If the internship supervisor wishes to make that report confidential, he or she should contact the Master’s Office.)

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